Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Beauty Haul

I love shopping! and I love make-up too! so I did a bit of shopping. I didn't buy the whole of boots or anything but I got a few bits that I needed or had wanted for a while and  heeerrrrreee (down there) is what I bought!
These are the make-up products I bought: 
Eye shadow 129 - Kiko 
Shopping in westfield a few weeks back I saw a shop I'd never seen before and all the pretty make up drew me in! They had these amazing eye shadows which just look like fairy dust! They had a few colours but I bought the beige and its a pretty good match to my skin tone and makes my eyes look so sparkly!

Sally Hansen Mega Shine Top Coat £6.39 / Kiko Nail Polish - 385 / Nail Polish Remover pot £1 (savers)

Charles Worthington Mineral Hair Rescue £3.49 / Denise McAdam Time delay hair serum (tesco) £1


  1. The magnet looks good! Let us know how you get on! :)

  2. I really love the look of the Real Techniques Blush Brush! Can you review them and tell us how they are?

    Love your blog!


    1. Thank you! I've asked for the core collection for my birthday in 2 weeks so if I get them (fingers crossed) I shall do a review of all the Real Techniques brushes I own!
