Thursday, 12 April 2012

Birthday Blues

21 is just 4 weeks away and I've tried desperately in vain to cancel it! I actually have to start acting like a proper, fully fledged adult now (most of the time).
I just don't get excited about birthdays any more. It's funny because I love celebrating other people's birthdays and spoiling my friends, family and boyfriend but I just don't want the fuss. However everyone has put their foot down and insisted that 20 leaves me with a bang.
So what to do? I just don't know how I want to spend my birthday.
But alas birthdays mean presents. Again presents don't normally phase me, but 2012 must be the first year for about 8 years that I've made a birthday list! And at a time where money isn't exactly throwing itself at me its perfect to ask for some of the more pricier things that I can ask for and hope and wish that I get! I don't mean to sound materialistic or anything, I mean I can go without the things on my list, I mean I am right now aren't I? But I know my Nan would rather get me something I want than vouchers.
So here goes....
Birthday Wishlist 21:

So that's how I want to greet 21. Bronzed to Chanel Perfection with real techniques brushes, fingertips dipped in OPI, stinking of perfume and walking around in studded slippers please.

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