Saturday, 21 July 2012

Hair Care Overhaul!

Going back a few months, I was really happy with my Hair care routine but after I started to do some real research on hair care and how I could improve the condition of my hair. 

I started to learn alot about sulphate free shampoos and the negative effects sulphate has on your hair.
Now you might be asking What is sulphate and why is it so bad for your hair?

Click here to read my recent post on sulphate shampoos.

It took me a while to find a shampoo that was sulphate free and readily available.

However after a little while trawling the interweb I discovered that L'Oreal make a sulphate free shampoo, and market it as such (so you don't have to go reading through hundreds of ingredients).

As you would expect there are different formuals for different hair types.
As they are on offer in Tesco right now for £9 for any 2 products from the range. I picked up two different shampoos to try out.

L: Smoothing & Intensely Nourish for Frizzy, overworked hair.
R: Reinforcing & Vitality for Fragile Brittle Hair

Now there are conditioners and masques in the range but most conditioners and hair treatments don't contain sulphates so I didn't see a need to change from my current conditioner.

I can't wait to try these Shampoos and get back to you ASAP with a review!
Do you use these shampoo or are there any other sulphate free products you would recommend?

I've also been doing a lot of research on hair oils.
I've read reviews by bloggers on several different brands of hair oil.
However a friend recommended this Asian brand of hair oil to me and says she has used it for years.
I picked this up in Tesco as well for £3.49 which I think is great for the amount of product you get.
It's a 200m size bottle and in the you can see in the picture the amount I have used for one application.
I have this on my hair as I write this post and it smells incredibly sweet and like baby oil. 
The smell is putting me off a bit but if it works for my hair then I can over look it!
Again keep your eyes peeled for a review!

Do you use hair oils?
Are there any you would recommend?


  1. Great post!!
    I love the Loreal Ever Sleek No Sulphates Shampoo<3 It makes my hair so shiny!
    As for hair oils, I really like the VO5 Miracle Concentrate Argon Oil :]

  2. I've been wanting to try these Shampoos forever! I def have to pick them up~! I use macadamia oil and I love it! :D

  3. I've tried Loreal's sulphate-free range and it was an okay shampoo for me- pretty normal, nothing too amazing, but I'd love to try out some new hair oils, haven't decided on which brand to try out yet!
    I'm a new follower btw:) I've been doing reviews of hair products lately, hope you can check them out too!:)
