Saturday, 25 August 2012

Who is Mr. Grey?

So ladies, who has been gripped by 50 shades recently?

I was reluctant to read the trilogy but I was honestly gripped.

Now none of the 3 books are in my lists of favourite books but they made foe a good read.
This isn't a book review but there was quite a few factors I didn't like about the book but this post today is to talk about the rumours of a movie adaptation.

We are going to chat about ... who should play Christian Grey?

Some of the names being thrown around in the media are:

Ryan Gosling

Yes he is panttie-dropping sexy but to me he will always be Noah Calhoun from everybody's favourite chic flick The Notebook.

Ian Somerhalder

The hottie from The Vampire Diaries (and original Lost cast member) certainly has captivating eyes and a jaw you could crack nuts on, but I'm not sold.

Robert Pattinson

No, No and No again.
I just wont be able to stop thinking that all he wants to do is suck Anna's blood and shimmer as runs Grey Enterprises.
Just to be clear, No thanks.

Chris Hemsworth

I am a huge Chris Hemsworth fan but I love him most when he is playing a demi God who has the sexiest torso I've ever seen!
His 'Thor' accent is one of my favourite voices to listen to and I just can;t picture him as sex fiend.

Now if I was casting director my choice for Mr Grey would 100% be:

Yes ladies, thank me later! 
How amazing would it be to just stare at this fine specimen of a man for a few hours and just oggle?

And for the rest of the cast?
Here are my top pics?

Anastasia Steele
Anna Kendrick

Elliot Grey
Chase Crawford

Kim Catrall

Jason Elliot
Jason Statham

Leila Willams
Zooey Deschanel

So these are my pics for a top 50 shades cast.
What do you think and who would you pick?

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Miracle Eye Growth!

Unfortunately ladies I lure you in with false hope. 

This is not a miracle treatment to make your tinny peepers large and Bambi-like. 
However I do bring you some make-up tips to trick others into thinking your eyes are much larger than they really are.

I have small eyes and find it very difficult to create the perfect smokey eye look or to make my eyes 'pop' that little bit extra.

So once again I've been doing my research to bring you some of my old and new favourite ways to give you that wide-eyed look!

Unlike the lovely Lady GaGa mere mortals like you and I don't have a technical whiz to work their CGI magic and make our eyes bulge (in the most beautiful way of course).

The crease is the limit!
When creating your perfect smokey eye, be it an every day look or a glittering masterpiece glam night out,
 don't take your darkest colour higher than your crease.
By placing your darkest shadow above the crease you lessen the space between your eyelid and your eye brows, this gives the look of a heavier eyebrow and shrinks the appearance of the eye.
Do however use a lighter 'highlight' above the crease and onto the brow bone to create the look of light and higher points on the face.

White Eye liner
This tip is probably the most well known but its one of the easiest and most effective ways to open up your eyes.
Applying a white eye liner to the waterline makes your actually eye balls look larger as you are expanding the area coloured white. 
Kim Kardashian is a fan of this eye popping tip!
Barry M Kohl - white is my favourite!

Highlight your tear ducts
By highlighting your tear ducts your eyes instantly appear further apart.
This is one of my favourite ways to make my eyes look larger. 
Just take your favourite highlighter, powder or liquid, and use your fingertip to apply the product right in the corner of the eye on the tear duct.

My favourite product for this is Vivo Baked Bronzer in Healthy Glow.

Curl your eyelashes

It makes sense!
Move your eyelashes out of the way!
No I'm not suggesting removing your eyelashes but by using an eyelash curler to lift them up wards you are uncovering your beautiful eyes!

Lower the bottom line.
Apply your eye liner or eye shadow slightly below the bottom lash line.
I mean by a minute amount!
I don't know about you but I don't fancy walking around town with eye liner on the top of my cheeks!
Don't go that low.
Literally less than a millimetre away from your water line apply your liner or shadow. This gives the illusion that your lower water line starts lower than it does, therefore wider looking eyes!  

Cat Eye liner
Retro looking feline eye liner from the middle of the lash line widens small eyes as it lifts the line of your eye higher. 
By drawing the line out the line of the eye is elongated.

So there you have some great tips to really widen your eyes and make them stand out!
Let me know any of your top tips or if you make use of any of these!

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

My top 5 Summer 2012 make up trends!

Summer is slowly passing us by and I thought that now was a great time to do a quick post on some of the trends I've been loving over the past few months and will probably continue to wear into autumn.

Bold Brows
There is no question about it - brows frame the face.
And in summer bold brows and minimal make-up is a great fresh look that I've been wearing most days!

Retro Glamour
The red lip will never be out of fashion but this summer has seen the bright red lip as a staple.
Its a simple was to add instant class to any look.

Metalic Eyes

Since purchasing the Maybelline colour tattoo's in On and On bronze and eternal gold I have been wearing the metallic duo on my lids most days.
It give instant glamour to a natural look and works great for day or night!
It's also a look that Kim Kardashian has been sporting lately in a softer fashion than her usual smokey eye and it just looks so polished.

Gentle Smokey Eye
This look is not only the easiest to wear and pull off but the easiest to create yourself.
I love wearing this look with the subtle browns from my Urban Decay Naked Palette.

Cat Like Eyes

This eye liner heavy look is great for a simple night out make up look.
It's so simple yet so striking.

So what make up looks have you been wearing and loving this summer?

Friday, 10 August 2012

How To Get The Most From Your Face Mask!

So just before I applied my face mask yesterday I was wondering, 'are there any major DO'S and DON'T S that I'm missing out on?'

So I did my research and I'm happy to share with you some information I already knew and some new things I've learnt when it comes to getting the most out of your face masks!

TEST - It's important to test the reaction your skin will have to your chosen face mask.
Even the gentlest (and some natural) ingredients could give your skin a bad reaction giving you the complete opposite to the effect you desire. 

READ - Make sure you read the instructions on the pack of your face mask.                   
Not all Face Masks work the same way. One may tell you to apply your mask to a wet face, another to a dry face. Make sure you follow these specific instructions to get the best results.

PREPARE - It is vital that you prepare your skin properly.                         
  • Ensure that you:                                                                                                                 Remove all make up. Make sure there is none left on your face.
  • Double Cleanse. Cleansing twice ensures you have a clean canvas to work with.       
  • Exfoliate. If you don't remove all of the dead skin cells the mask will not be able to work on fresh skin.                                                                                                             
  • Open your pores. Use some hot water to open up your pores to ensure a deep clean.
APPLICATION - An even coverage or your face mask is essential to achieve consecutive results.                                                                                                                           It is also best to apply your mask in an upwards motion and towards the centre of your face.

TIMING - Most commonly face masks should be left on for 15-20 minutes. 
If your face mask contains active ingredients they will soak into the skin within 15 minutes so it is ineffective to leave it on for any longer.

REMOVAL - Once you have had your face mask on for long enough remove it with lukewarm water.
Ensure to pat your face dry with a soft towel. Do not rub your skin.

AFTER - Once you have removed your face mask give your skin a few minutes to breath.
Then apply moisturiser and any spot treatments.

So that's the most effective way to apply and remove your face mask, now for a few tips and tricks!

Oily skin? Use a mask with clay in. The natural properties of clay cleanse the skin of black heads and excess oil.

Moisturise! -To get a bit more from your face mask saturate cotton wool pads in lukewarm water. Tear your cotton wool pad into pieces and place over the face mask. Avoid eyes and mouth. Leave the water to soak into your skin.

Large pores? Use a 'clarifying' face mask and apply it in an upwards motive and into the centre of your face.

Often! Most face masks suggest applying one at least twice a week. This is not a ploy to make you spend money! The more often you treat your skin the better it will look. However applying everyday could leave your skin feeling dry and looking dull. I would suggest every other day as a maximum.

Drink! - Having a glass of water whilst wearing your face mask will help to send oxygen to the skin's surface, improving results.

Massage! - Massage the mask onto your face to wake your skin up and bring the blood to the surface.

Using food? - If you can't afford a face mask then just head to the fridge and grab some natural yoghurt and honey. Mix them up in equal parts, you'll be amazed with the results. (I would not recommend doing this more than 3 times a week).

Relax! - Relaxing when you apply a face mask helps to calm you and your skin. Laying down is the best way to be!

And for your eyes? The obvious choices for some eye care is cucumber slices or used tea bags! If you don't fancy that, grab your self a gel eye mask which you can pop in the fridge. Be sure to clean it when you're done.

So have you learnt anything from this post? 
I know I have!
Be sure to share any of your tips and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Happy Pampering x

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

On Wednesdays We Wear Pink NOTD

I've taken inspiration from Mean Girls and many other bloggers with today#s NOTD.

L - Gold by Giles - 77
R - L.A Colours - Star Light

What's on your nails today?

My Perfect Nude Lip (for less than £3!)

Nude Lips
You either love them or you hate them.

I love the look. On other people.

I've found it really hard to find a good combination of lipstick and lip gloss that I'm happy with.

But I've finally settled on a bargain duo!

What are these wonderful products?

Sally Hansen Natural Butter Lip Shine - Lush
Natural Collection Lipstick - Rose Petal

The lip gloss came from Poundland! In a pack with 2 other Sally Hansen Products. Costing me 33.p!
The Natural Collection Lip Stick is from Boots and costs £1.99.

Swatchy Swatchy

Nude Lips can be a hard look to get right and some of you may not like my Nude lip look.

What is your perfect nude lip product/combination?

Sunday, 5 August 2012

I won a giveaway!

Recently I won a very generous give away hosted by Hayley at Makeup, Movies and more.

So this post is to show you the lovely goodies I won and to say thank you to Hayley!

Katy Perry False Lashes
L - Cool Kitty
M - Oh, Honey!
R - Oh, My!

Gold By Giles
Lip Gloss - Smooch
Nail Polish - 77
Lip Stick - Pop

Gold by Giles Foundation Brush.

Once again, Thanks to Hayley!
I can;t wait to try these goodies!

Saturday, 4 August 2012

Getting fit! - A new blog!

I'd like to introduce you all to my newest blog!
This one is a fitness blog!

Over the past month my attitude to fitness and healthy living has altered drastically. 
I've been doing tones of research and want to share it with you.

Weather you're starting out in fitness like me, a real fitness fanatic or a couch potato I hope you'll find something for you over at Slim Gym 101.

So if you want to get involved or are just interested in my progress head on over to  my new blog: Slim Gym 101 and let me know what you think!

Thanks girls!

Weekend Wants!

Over the past week I've been doing a lot of 'Internet window shopping!'
As always money is tight and I never spend my money on 'the right things' but here's a run down of what I'm lusting after!

This super cute jumper is a great imitation of the Wildfox jumpers from last season.
However Wildfox jumpers cost about £220.
Are you willing to pay that for a jumper? Well I'm not.
This cute Forever 21 alternative is under £15 and apparently extremely soft too.

I have 100% been bitten by the Olympic bug!
It's in my home town and the atmosphere is electric. The athletes are so inspiring!
I love this t-shirt and the simple logo across the chest. This would be perfect for the gym!
I think Stella McCartney has done an amazing job on the athletes sport wear for the games and they all look sporty, classy and consecutive.

ELF studio blush - Pink Passion £3.50
This blush is such a pretty colour and would be a welcomed addition to my collection.
I don't own any ELF blushers but I think this could be the start of something beautiful (if i get my hands on it!).

Running shoes Nike - £100
I hate how expensive Nike running shoes are. They are the best running shoes for my needs.
I love this pair a they're mainly neutral with nice splash of colour.

Chanel Vitalumiere Aqua Foundation - Debenhams £32
This is one of those products which have blown up in the blogesphere. Everyone and their mother (who can afford it!) has tried this beaut.
I can't wait to get my hands on it. I think it's time for a trip to the Chanel counter so I can at least grab a sample!

Tell me what you're currently lusting after and if you have any of these, what do you think of them?

July Favourites

It's that time again!
I can not believe that it's August already! I don't think I'll ever get used to how fast time flies!
So onto the good stuff!

First up is skin care.

from left to right.
Taaj Eau Micellaire Makeup remover.
I received this at the beginning of the month in my Jolie box. At first I just left it in my cupboard as I was happy with my L'Oreal dermo expertise make up remover. But 2 weeks ago I started to use this much loved product which has received tremendous hype in the blog world. And I have to say I agree with it all. It's extremely kind to the eyes and is effective in just 2 swipes.
Tesco Soleil Facial sunscreen
With the spat of warm weather the UK experienced last week this has been a 100% essential in my everyday routine. It doesn't leave the skin looking shiny and soaks in nicely.
Yon Ka Pamplemousse Moisturiser. 
This is another Jolie box product. I always thought I had dry skin but it turns out it's just de-hydrated. When I use certain products on my face my skin can get oily and this moisturiser is amazing! It smells delicious! 
Uvisport Lipscreen
Another product to combat the effects of the sun. Lips are quite often neglected when it comes to sun care and I've been very keen on it recently. This moisturises as well as protects. Also the cap turns purple when the UV rays are high, advising you to re-apply.
Origins Spot Remover
Another products which is absolutely raved about in the blogesphere! This little beauty has been constantly in my bag since I bought it at the start of the month. With this my spots are gone in 2 days and it has been particularly handy this months as I've been uncharacterised spotty!

My Make up favourites of this month are a mix of old and new products.
Clockwise from the top:
Beauty Blender Dupe
If you saw my recent post on my latest ebay purchases then you'll know what a bargain this is.
Keep your eyes peeled for a full review soon!
Vivo Baked Bronzer - Healthy Glow
This is another product which has featured on my blog recently. I love this powder and used it every day as a highlight on my cheek bones and my tear ducts. Its so natural looking and is a great dupe for MAC mineralize skin finish - soft and gentle.
Sleek Brow Kit
I'm sure you've all heard of this product before! I kind of have an on-off relationship with this product and this month It's been on my face everyday I've worn make up.
Bobbi Brown Corrector - Light Bisque
I've heard alot about this product for a long time and never got around to purchasing it. Well I finally bit the bullet and went for it. I wasn't expecting much as I don't really have dark under eye circles (which the main purpose of this product is to cover them up) but it does help to brighten up my eyes and help with the skin discolouration I have there.
Maybelline 24 HR Colour Tattoo - On and On Bronze 
This is a great colour just to sweep across the lid or to use in the crease.
It lasts all day on me (which is rare for eye make-up) and helps my eyes to stand out alot!

Just some random faves now:

I have gone crazy for this British girl band. They have such a great sound.

And Rita Ora's How we do has been on repeat!

Trey Songs - Simply amazing is my final music fave of July!
I'm not really a Trey Songz fan but I have been loving his 2 latests songs (This one and Heart attack)

My favourite Bloggers right now are:

And finally - 
The Gym!
I have been hitting the gym hard recently so expect to see some fitness posts up soon!.

Also keep your eyes peeled (and subscribe) for my 100 followers give away 
(only 19 followers to go!) 
some of these products may be included!

Let me know your favourites of July!

Friday, 3 August 2012

Collective Haul

I've been trying so desperately to save money lately but something always comes up!
I've done a bit of shopping lately and it's all been pretty friendly on the purse!

So without further-a-do here's the goodies:
These are the first of my Poundland buys.
Left - Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipgloss - 585 Cherry Bloom
Middle - Claudia Stevens Eyelash primer
Right - Stila - Hair referesher Dry Shampoo

Also from Poundland I bought:

Collection 2000 SkyScraper Mascara
This costs £5 in superdrug and I love this mascara so I was very pleased to find it in the pound shop!

NYC Foundation Stick Concealer

Stila Powder Foundation refil - Shade b

From Superdrug I picked up:

MUA Mosaic Bronzer £2.50

MUA Eyey brow Pencil 'Brunette' £1

Superdrug Face masks
L- Hydrating Self0heating Mask
M- Deep Cleansing Fruit Mask
R - Tropical Cocktail Peel-off Mask
99p each

From E-bay

 (Via my sister who gave them to me) 
3D Nail Wraps £1 each (I think)

Dipped Hem skirt £6.49
check out my recent blog post about my ebay buys.


Sparkly over sized T-shirt £3

So all these goodies cost me £21.99!

So what have you guys been buying recently?

p.s, Look out for one or two of these products being featured in my 100 follower give away (when we get to 100)!

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Warm Fuzzies From Pinterest!

I thought I'd share with you all some lovely things I've discovered on Pinterest recently!
(I love this type of blog posts!)

What have you been enjoying on Pinterest recently?

Let me know your Pinterest user name so I can follow you! 
