So ladies, who has been gripped by 50 shades recently?
I was reluctant to read the trilogy but I was honestly gripped.
Now none of the 3 books are in my lists of favourite books but they made foe a good read.
This isn't a book review but there was quite a few factors I didn't like about the book but this post today is to talk about the rumours of a movie adaptation.
We are going to chat about ... who should play Christian Grey?
Some of the names being thrown around in the media are:
Ryan Gosling
Yes he is panttie-dropping sexy but to me he will always be Noah Calhoun from everybody's favourite chic flick The Notebook.
Ian Somerhalder
The hottie from The Vampire Diaries (and original Lost cast member) certainly has captivating eyes and a jaw you could crack nuts on, but I'm not sold.
Robert Pattinson
No, No and No again.
I just wont be able to stop thinking that all he wants to do is suck Anna's blood and shimmer as runs Grey Enterprises.
Just to be clear, No thanks.
Chris Hemsworth
I am a huge Chris Hemsworth fan but I love him most when he is playing a demi God who has the sexiest torso I've ever seen!
His 'Thor' accent is one of my favourite voices to listen to and I just can;t picture him as sex fiend.
Now if I was casting director my choice for Mr Grey would 100% be:
Yes ladies, thank me later!
How amazing would it be to just stare at this fine specimen of a man for a few hours and just oggle?
And for the rest of the cast?
Here are my top pics?
Anastasia Steele
Anna Kendrick
Elliot Grey
Chase Crawford
Kim Catrall
Jason Elliot
Jason Statham
Leila Willams
Zooey Deschanel
What do you think and who would you pick?