Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Hair Product haul!

One area I seriously lack in when it comes to beauty products is hair stuff!
I don't really try a lot of hair styling products and tend to get stuck in my ways when it comes to hair care products.
So earlier this week when I was getting fed up of 'second day hair' I popped to the shops to pick up some new styling products to see what was available and what I could do whit them.

So without further a do!

Going back a while now I picked up this Lee Stafford Treatment for Hair That Never Grows Past A Certain Length.
It's a protein based treatment which aims to strengthen hair follicles and speed up hair growth.
I picked up 3 pots of this in Boots. They were running a 3 for £12 offer (I have no idea if it's still running). But I thought it was a fab deal as these retail for £7.99 each it worked out that I got these for half price!
I've been using this for almost 3 weeks and have made my way through one pot already! I want to use this for a bit longer before I give you guys a review!

I finally picked up the Schwarzkopf Got2b Guardian Angel Heat Protection Spray. I feel like this product has been blowing up in blog land recently and I've heard such good reviews that I thought I'd give it a try. I got it in savers for about £2.50, which is a lot cheaper than every where else I've seen it.

Also in savers I picked up this Pro:Voke Touch of Silver Intensive Treatment Conditioner which is a purple conditioner. Purple shampoo and conditioner works wonders on blonde or grey hair so I decided that at £2 I'd give it a go. Now I don't have fair blonde hair (it's actually quite dark blonde) but I have been using the John Frieda Go Lighter spray and thought this conditioner might help with intensifying my blonde.

I'm a big lover of John Frieda products and have been for years so I decided to give the Shape and Shine Flexible Hold Hairspray and the Dream Curls Styling Spray a try! I'm not really a fan of the traditional aresol hairspray and think this liquid alternative will be a lot easier on my hair (it also smells pretty nice!). I'm also looking for some new products to help my crazy natural hair look a bit more polished so I grabbed the curl styling spray too. These cost £2.50 each in savers.

Another John Frieda Frizz-Ease product I purchased is  this Miraculous Recovery Intensive Masque. I bought 3 of these from Tesco at £1 each. However Tesco are currently running a 3 for 2 offer across their entire hair care and styling department so I payed £2 for 3. This is another product which claims to strengthen hair to protect against breakages and since I've been noticing some breakages amongst hair on the top of my head I'm actively seeking to strengthen my hair. This is a wash out treatment.

I'm sure you're all aware of the new line of products from VO5 in this pretty pink packages. These were also included in the 3 for 2 offer at Tesco and I treated myself to Plump it Up Weightless Mousse, Give me Texture Tousled Style Spray and Give me Texture Dry Texturising Spray. This cost £3.49 each. I find it really hard to find a reasonably priced mousse which doesn't leave your hair crispy and I'm hoping this mousse won't let me down! I have tried the old formula of the tousled spray and really did not think much of it but since they have changed the formula I thought I could only be for the better! I've never seen a dry texturising spray before and actually have high hopes for this product as it just makes compete sense to me - as a dry spray it wont moisten your hair leaving it looking unstyled.

I asked my Mum to grab me a leave in conditioner when she went shopping and she picked me up this Vitapointe Leave In Conditioner for £1.50 in Tesco. I've never heard of it before and Mum tells me that it's quiet an old fashioned product that has been around for years and 'older ladies' tend to use. I thought I may as well give it a try because if it's been around for a long time it must be doing something right!

And finally I needed a new conditioner as saw a new product from Tresemme', Keratin Smooth Keratin Conditioner and thought I can't go wrong for £2.50 from superdrug. I always used to use Tresemme' as a teenage but I've always hated the smell. I stopped using it because I had extremely thick hair and found that all Tresemme products just gave my hair too much volume (first and last time you'll ever hear a beauty girl complaining about too much volume to her 'do!) but since then the texture of my hair has changed a lot and it's now a great deal finer. I've seen a lot of new products being bought out by Tresemme' recently and have decided to give them another chance!

So what hair products have you been buying lately?
Have you tried any of the bits I've bought recently?
What are you're favorite products and what would you recommend?


  1. This really makes me want to go shopping for hair products! I spend so much time wishing my hair would grow but still end up spending most of my money on makeup rather than decent hair stuff lol x

    1. all my money recently has gone on my hair and I'm starting to miss new make up! - Blogger problems!
      Hannah x

  2. I love hair products...and makeup too for that matter. I just bought some Curls up from FX a few days ago and love it! I'm doing a review on it and a few other favorites from last month. Thanks so much for your comment and for leaving your link! I'm glad I got to check out your blog and you now have a new follower! Take care!


    1. Thank you so much for your support Brandi! Love your blog x
