Since buying the No7 Mineral Blusher I have been looking for more mineral products.
I thought a good place to start was the bare minerals counter in Debenhams!
Whilst there I spotted this fantastic deal that was too good to pass up and had to share it with you!
This 9-piece starter Kit retails for £49.
Now I know if you don't have £50 readily available then its not cheap! But honestly it is so worth it!
In the box you will get:
2 shades of the original foundation
Mineral Veil
3 Make up brushes
Instructional DVD
Now here is where you get the bargain. The girl at the counter told me that the brushes alone are worth £57!
There you go - more than your monies worth.
Right so what do we have?
The light kit comes with two foundations:
Original Foundation - Light W15
Original Foundation - Fairly Light N10
The purpose of this is so that in the summer when you tan you can still use Bare minerals foundation, just in the darker shade.
I love this idea as it means you don't have to purchase another foundation just for summer which might not even match your tan!
each product is 2g.
The foundation retail sizes are 8g and £24
The mineral veil retails in a 6g pot for £20
The bronzer however is 1.5g - which is what you get in the box - and retails for £19
And finally, the primer.
The retail size is 30ml and the size in the box is 15ml.
30ml retails for £19
So after doing some maths - you receive around £45 worth of product.
Add that to the £57 worth of brushes..
a saving of £53.
And on top of that you receive an instructional DVD and booklet!
Keep your eyes peeled for a review!

I purchased this so long ago and have only just opened up the bronzer which is great... you have to be very light handed though! :) xx
I discovered that when I first used it! I'm not so much a fan of the brushes! I think they make me itch, which is strange x